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Sailfish in the Spread

Jarrod and I saw the bill pop out of the water behind the small feather we were trolling. I yelled "Sail! Sail!" as my adrenaline level went through the roof. I watched the rod for signs of a strike. Jarrod grabbed the rod but he wasn't hooked, so we dropped it back a bit. Suddenly the rod bent over and the line started screaming off the real. The sail jumped in the air time after time as he tried to dislodge the hook. Jarrod was just hanging on as the fish kept stripping line at an alarming rate. I turned the wheel hard, yelled "hang on!", and hit the throttle in order to prevent the fish from taking all our line and breaking off. Now we were getting line back on the reel and we settled in for a long fight. Dave took a turn fighting the fish while Shawn and Robert helped wind in the lines, lift the fish for pictures and revive him afterwards. It was a team effort for sure. Finally the guys revived and released the majestic fish. We all stared silently as it slowly disappeared into the blue. Congratulations guys on a truly great fish!

This blog is dedicated to my wife Snooker who inspires me everyday without using a word.

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