A Positive Attitude is a Powerful Thing
Joan and John fished with me last year and we caught some nice fish including a giant redfish. Joan loves to fish and I could tell she was cherishing the adventure. Afterward I learned via email that she was facing a cancer operation upon her return home and then I thoroughly understood her appreciation for all the beauty of an afternoon fishing trip in our area. Well it’s one year later now and I could see the physical effects of her battle with cancer but her fishing spirit was stronger than ever. The weather challenged us and the fishing was slow but her positive attitude was strong till the last cast of the day. As John and I relaxed a bit she was poised standing on the front as if she knew what was going to happen. Sure enough her rod doubled over and the drag screamed. She batted the big bull red with some serious angling skills and a lot of physical endurance. She was exhausted as she held the giant fish and said afterwards that she would email the pic to her oncologist as proof that her strength was back. A positive attitude is so important in fishing, as it is in all of life’s struggles. Thanks for the lesson Joan! You are an awesome person.