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Arrr! The Ones That Get Away.

Bill and Jeff threw mostly top water lures on this day. It’s a technique that requires casting and retrieval skills and these guys did great. My favorite moment is when a big fish swirls and bangs a lure on the surface and these guys got into some fun action. Several large snook exploded on their lures and screamed drag back to the safety of their dock pilings where they eventually snapped the line. Oh how we wanted one of these monsters but it was not to be on this day. Lots of other nice fish were not as lucky and were brought in for a photo and release. Jack crevalle, lady fish and smaller snook were some of the species caught. It was an excellent day of fishing with a couple veterans from Georgia, enjoying some fishing time together.

This blog is dedicated to my wife Snooker who inspires me everyday without using a word.

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