Goliath Grouper
I had some eager guests out from New Jersey and we had planned an offshore day but the weather didn't cooperate. So, we regrouped and fished nearshore waters. It turned out to be a blessing because we had an encounter with a giant grouper that we all will remember for a while.
We saw the monster hanging under the boat but we couldn't get his attention with our offerings of crumbs (pinfish). Then fate sent us a worthy bait. Someone accidentally snagged a line of a nearby angler and we wound it in along with a 4 pound jack crevalle. Now we have a meal to offer! We sent it down with a large circle hook and my biggest grouper outfit. It didn't last 5 minutes before the Goliath inhaled it. The crew fought the fish for 30 minutes, taking turns when arms would give out. We got it up to the boat several times and gauked at it's massive size. It finally broke off with a mighty tail whip. This was OK since we were able to enjoy the sight, sounds and power of the giant fish and he was able to swim away no worse for wear.